Living Pure Ministries
Living Pure Ministries
"Stewards of Purity & Keepers of Integrity"â„¢
ALL gifts to Living Pure Ministries are spent on ministry initiatives and each dollar you invest will be spent on these initiatives according to the allocation as described below. Currently, our major ministry initiatives include:
Living Pure Ministry Resources
Living Pure Ministry Resources
Continued distribution of other abstinence resources currently in development for distribution in 2016 and 2017.
Purely Chaste Wedding Graduation Ceremony/Community Awareness Events
Purely Chaste Wedding Graduation Ceremony/Community Awareness Events
Large to small scale celebration and events to create abstinence awareness and foster encouragement to youths and young adults who complete abstinence information sessions.
Church/Conference Presentations/Equipping
Church/Conference Presentations/Equipping
Ongoing opportunities to spread and teach purity and abstinence concepts and principles as well as equip youth and young adult groups in churches, schools, and conferences statewide.
You can donate to Living Pure Ministries by either:
You can donate to Living Pure Ministries by either:
- Mailing a check to Living Pure Ministries, P.O. Box 1052, Dumfries, VA 22026
- Credit card by clicking on the donate button below.
Thank you for supporting and praying for Living Pure Ministries!